Haven't been posting anything on the blog lately. However have now been spurred on by a torrent, ..............well dribble of interest, from two readers. I have a public!
I supposedly retired from work in May but cat health problems and subsequent vets bills encouraged me back to work two days per week. At least on a temporary basis.
The cat's tale. In brief she had a limp (long term) caused by some problem with her wrist probably caused by jumping from a height. Vet quite clear that she would be experiencing pain to some degree and that operation to fuse the joint was required. Eventually I agreed to this. Procedure carried out at great expense (I could have bought every cat in Nottinghamshire for the price of the op and follow up). Although insurance covered it the premiums will go up next year without a doubt. Maisie has now recovered but still has a (worse) limp and has turned into a house cat. I feel bad that I seem to have contributed to a worsening of her lifestyle. I don't doubt the sincerity of the vets advice but I would advise anyone to ask very searching questions about the possible range of outcomes for an animal when a significant procedure is advised. I thought I had done but with hindsight not enough. Enough of cats, now on to dogs.
Shortly after the last published post I got the Honda 1977 SS50 5 speed moped you see pictured here. It came from Mablethorpe and cost me £60. I have probably spent ten times that on it now. Another cheap hobby for my retirement. If you are interested in the renovation so far you can see it in detail on the following website:
www.sixteener-special.co.uk in the section on "Restorations and Rebuilds" under the title of something like "SS50 Commencing Countdown Engine Off"
And when you see the ups and downs pictured there you will understand why I have not been on the blog.